New Poet Laureate

Simon Armitage CBE will be the new Poet Laureate, taking over from Carol Ann Duffy. Simon Armitage likes to write about modern life and contemporary issues. The post of Poet Laureate has existed for hundreds of years and was originally for life. Now the post is held for ten years. Officially an appointment made by […]

Digital Poetry

I had recently heard about apps for writing poetry and was intrigued. Can computers really create poems? Let me consider for a moment what poetry actually is. It is surely a difficult concept to pin down, but better minds than mine have had a go. William Wordsworth, who wrote quite a few poems himself, describes […]

What Is National Poetry Day?

National Poetry Day 2021 occurred on the 7th of October. This annual celebration of poetry has been happening since 1994. According to the National Poetry Day’s own website, this is a day “all about enjoying, discovering and sharing poems.” In 2021, the theme was Choice. The following words were inspired by a previous theme a […]

History Poems

Some years ago, I had an idea to put together a collection of poems with an historical theme. I’m just as interested in history as I am in poetry! But my idea was not unique. Brian Moses and Roger Stevens have published 1066 and Before That (published by Macmillan 2016) which brings together over 60 of […]

Fun Website

American poet Ken Nesbitt, author of several volumes of light-hearted verse for children, has a very intriguing website. As well as being able to read his poems online you can also vote for your favourite classic poems from his selection. There are also word games and poetry “lessons” with tips, descriptions of poetical forms and […]

Poetry for the Very Young

I was reminded the other day how much my children loved Shirley Hughes’ books when they were little. We all retain a great affection for Alfie and her other characters. 2017 was the 40th anniversary of the publication of her well-known picture book, Dogger, for which a special edition of the book was published. Alongside Dogger on […]

Poems by Children is a colourful and fun website publishing poems by children. It also runs competitions and has a section for teachers, plus features on published writers. Young Writers is also an online resource for teachers and young poets which will publish an anthology in August 2017 entitled, Busta Rhymes Anthology: poet of the future 2017. […]

Oranges and Lemons

If you’re interested in the origins of nursery rhymes, Karen Dolby’s Oranges and Lemons: Rhymes from Past Times is a fascinating and affordable book that won’t take you too long to read but that you’ll probably want to keep for years. It contains many of our most well-known traditional rhymes, and some which were new […]